The passion Portae has for antique doors led us to acquire, quite some time ago, the largest collection of antique Spanish doors in the world. We can only describe the experience as extraordinary. The know-how we acquired in terms of the techniques of refurbishing materials, wood treatments and the restoration of each piece, was the catalyst for a new way of working with the doors. If we could bring antique doors back to life, we could also make them to the size and taste of the consumer, respecting the classic designs and using reclaimed wood and traditional wrought iron.
Currently at Portae Design we offer all kinds of furniture and floorings, however, we don’t forget that our roots lie in those antique doors and in the made-to-measure doors we currently create with a particular affection. We adapt our doors to the measurements and preferences of each person and each room, bringing, as always, our creativity and skills to help find the design, the edging, colour and decoration that make each door an element with a unique personality.